Defibrillator now installed at the hotel at the heart of Southsea

In the wake of Restart a Heart Day, the Queens Hotel in Southsea now has a defibrillator on site.

Kind-hearted Lara Hardwick was inspired to raise funds for a defibrillator after her Dad, Alan, a fit and healthy 67-year-old, had a cardiac arrest back in April, when he was jogging in Southsea.

Here’s what happened

Significantly an incredible set of events ensured Alan survived the medical emergency. Now Lara and her family hope the defibrillator will help to raise the chance of survival for others.

“A friend happened to pass my Dad a few seconds before the incident and they called the ambulance. Then an off-duty nurse who happened to be driving by, parked up and started good, strong CPR.

“We’ve never found out who this nurse was. We’d love to find her and we’d dearly like to thank her in person! If anyone knows who this was, we’d love to hear from you.

“The builders from the site opposite also performed CPR. Our hero Josh, trained from his time in the army. Paramedics arrived and put Dad into an induced coma to protect his brain. They took him straight into resus and then onto intensive care. He was in hospital for 3 weeks in which time he slowly but defiantly came back to us.

“Undeniably we count our lucky stars every day to still have him with us,” said Lara.

Fundraising efforts

After taking a while to get her trainers back on, Lara and her partner Tom ran the Hackney Half Marathon in May. With close friends and family they decided to raise money for a defibrillator. This will hopefully go on to give another person the best
chance possible.

CPR saves lives

Lara added: “Just 10.8% of people who experience a cardiac arrest outside of hospital survive. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to learn CPR from this easy link could help increase that number.

“Figures published by London Ambulance  Service also show that when a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) was used by a bystander and at least one shock was delivered to patients, the survival rate was more than five times higher (57%).

Founder of SADS UK

Anne Jolly MBE, Founder of SADS UK, the charity who arranged for the defibrillator to be sited at the hotel, said: “We are pleased that thanks to Lara, her family and supporters, the Queens Hotel will now have a defibrillator on site.

“SADS UK is passionate about saving lives and promotes the importance of individuals learning CPR and how to use a defibrillator to help save lives. Since 1998 SADS UK has assisted thousands of schools and many communities to put defibrillators on their premises and delivered training on CPR and how to use a defibrillator.”

The Queens Hotel comment

General Manager at The Queens Hotel, Portsmouth, Paul Playford, said: “We are really pleased to be able to accommodate the defibrillator at The Queens Hotel. We are known as the hotel at the heart of Southsea and we take our commitment to our local community very seriously.

“Obviously having the defibrillator based at the hotel means we can play an important role in the health and safety of our community.”

Aina Sutka and Laura Collins both work in the marketing team at The Queens Hotel, Portsmouth and they will be taking part in the Great South Run on Sunday October 16.

As well as taking on a personal challenge to complete the 10-mile course in a creditable time, the pair wanted to raise funds for a local cause that already has links with the hotel – SPARK Community Space.

We wanted to support the important work this inspirational charity does in the community. What’s more, the abundant energy and enthusiasm that founder, Becki Simmons, brings to the charity always bowls us over.

SPARK Community Space aims to help people who don’t feel like they fit in, to access the support and services they need, so they can ‘Spark’ back into life.

They welcome anyone who feels pushed aside or overlooked by society, whether that’s because of illness, disability, redundancy, lack of qualifications or any other reason.

Learning that Aina and Laura will be running for her charity, Becki, said: “We are so pleased and grateful that Aina and Laura from the amazing Queens hotel have chosen Spark Community Space as their charity to run the Great South Run – you guys are superb and our heroes.”

SPARK Community Space is just about to move into a new permanent home at the Pompey Centre in Fratton Way. Funds that Aina and Laura raise will be used to make the empty space feel more welcoming.


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The popular Queens Hotel Winter Lodge makes a welcome return from Saturday 26th November. This year, it will have an enchanting festive feel that’s sure to leave you longing for a winter warmer.

Constructed in the hotel’s garden, the Winter Lodge is the perfect place to meet up for a cosy get-together.

Our Sunday Sessions will go under canvas for the winter and will run on 4 afternoons.

Our Seasonal songs will also make a comeback this winter. The tradition loved by many will take place in the Queens Hotel Winter Lodge on Wednesday 21st December.

General Manager, Paul Playford, explained: “Our Winter Lodge proved really popular last year and we are returning with even better plans for this year.

“There will be contemporary Christmas styling that’s bound to put you in the mood for the festive season.”

The Winter Lodge is also available for exclusive corporate hire on weekday evenings 17.00-23.00.

Plus, if you are looking for the perfect spot to bid farewell to 2022, look no further! We are opening the Queens Hotel Winter Lodge on New Year’s Eve. Tickets are just £10 per person and include a drink token (house wine, beer, single spirit and mixer). A donation will be made to our three supported charities from the cover price.

Queens Hotel Winter Lodge Opening Times and Dates

It will be open Fridays from 17.00-23.00, Saturdays from 12.00-23.00 and Sundays from 12.00-21.00

Areas can be reserved via the events team with a £10pp deposit.

Our popular Sunday Sessions will run on the following dates:

Photo credit: Habibur Rahman of the Portsmouth News 


Slim Jim Phantom and Jennie Vee stayed with us last night, bringing a cool rock ‘n’ roll vibe with them.

The legendary drummer and his wife were in town for a concert at the Moonshine Club as part of Jim’s UK tour. They were both happy to chat to us about their associations with Southsea.

Slim Jim Phantom and Jennie Vee’s memories of Southsea

Jim has fond memories of gigs at the Wedgewood Rooms, while Jennie used to live in Southsea. She was actually a regular to the bar at The Queens Hotel.

As musicians who spend a great deal of time on the road, we asked Slim and Jennie what they look for in a hotel.

Quick as a flash Jennie said: “It’s great to have a room with a bathtub so you can have a long soak after the gig.”

And Jim added: “Nice towels and a comfy mattress are important to me.”

Slim Jim Phantom and Jennie Vee are both musicians. Slim Jim is the drummer for Stray Cats. Jennie has played with Courtney Love and Echo and the Bunnymen. She is also a touring member of the Eagles of Death Metal. 

To read more about Slim Jim Phantom, click here.

To read more about Jennie Vee, click here.

We are so excited that the Queens Hotel has been working with talented artist, Pete Codling.

Pete has been responsible for some amazing sculpture and public artwork in the city. He designed the Treadgold Fish which is on the seafront, but his latest project Crowd is a truly epic undertaking.

Crowd, by Pete Codling

Pete is painstakingly creating a portrait of the city on a set of sails. The sails are the same size as those from HMS Victory and the Mary Rose.

When our Managing Director, Farid Yeganeh saw this project, he was keen for the Queens Hotel to show its support.

Pete explained: “The idea is to make a set of life size sail drawings, the same size as those from the HMS Victory or Mary Rose. I will cover them in portraits of people with a connection to the Dockyard, be it naval, military, dockyard worker or community connection to the city and its history. It is a massive and ambitious project. There is as much art in getting it funded and made as there is creating the drawings.”

Farid sat for Pete as he drew his portrait. The pair put the world to rights over several hours of conversation and drawing!

“I really admire what Pete is doing. This is a fantastic undertaking that Pete has embarked upon and I really can’t wait to see the finished artwork.

“The Queens Hotel is such an important part of the city of Portsmouth. I am proud to be one of the custodians who is ensuring she can remain a place where people love to gather to dine, celebrate, do business and enjoy the company of friends and family,” he said.

You can follow the progress of Pete Codling’s artwork here and visits can be arranged by calling 07503105655.


The official hotel of Portsmouth Pride

We are proud to announce that we are now the official hotel of Portsmouth Pride. Following the bonding of this new partnership, we celebrated with the face of Portsmouth Pride, drag queen Cherry Liquor.

With Portsmouth Pride due to take place on Saturday June 11, the Queens Hotel General Manager, Paul Playford, was delighted to welcome members of the event’s management team and their giant flag too.

New partnership

“We are really excited about our partnership and to announce that we are the official hotel of Portsmouth Pride. We see the Queens Hotel as being a place that offers a warm welcome to everyone.

“Our team will take part in the parade ahead of the main Portsmouth Pride event. Plus, we look forward to welcoming attendees as we will be opening our newly designed garden on the day.

“This is just the start of our partnership with Portsmouth Pride. We look forward to working closely together during the coming year,” he said.

Anyone attending Portsmouth Pride will be welcome to keep the party vibe going by joining us in the Queens Hotel garden.

Commenting on the partnership with the Queens Hotel, chairperson, Tally Aslam, said: “We are so looking forward to building a close working relationship with the Queens Hotel. It is great that they will be joining the parade and supporting our Portsmouth Pride main day event too.

“We are a charity and rely on support from businesses and organisations like the Queens to carry on the good work we do. As a result of this partnership, we also secured a partnership with Hovertravel who work closely with the hotel too.”

Portsmouth Pride 2022

Portsmouth Pride is set to make a triumphant return in 2022. This is after two years of not being able to run its iconic event for the LGBTQ+ community in Portsmouth. 

It is a completely free and open event for the whole community, including allies to the LGBTQ+ community. It brings together people from across the south coast to enjoy a full day of celebrations on Southsea Common.

The emotive and inspirational day starts with their highlight parade. This includes representatives from local community groups, youth groups, trade unions, activist groups, religious organisations, local businesses, and many more. It is also open to individual community members to join on the day. 

The parade takes in Southsea Seafront before entering the main Pride area. Here, visitors get to experience entertainment all the way through into the evening. Entertainment will be spread across two different stages and will include their 2022 Headliner, RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World winner, Blu Hydrangea. 



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Families enjoying live music and sunshine in the garden of the Queens Hotel, Portsmouth have helped to raise thousands of pounds for good causes.

For many years the hotel has supported the Rowans Hospice charity and recently presented CEO Ruth White and Chairman of Trustees John Watkins with a cheque for £2,500.

General Manager Catherine Austen commented: “The money has been collected as a result of our Summer Garden Parties. In total £5,000 was raised and the Southsea Skate Park has also received a donation.

“We see ourselves as the hotel at the heart of Southsea and very much a part of the community. Having come through the recent lockdowns and restrictions, we are delighted to have been able to support a charity that is so close to our hearts.”

Ruth White said she felt ‘humbled’ to see the transformation that had taken place at the Queens Hotel during the last lockdown and the amount of money that had been raised.

“Healthcare has had a difficult time through the pandemic but hospitality has really been hit badly.

“It is very humbling to see what you have achieved at the Queens through the lockdown. The garden parties have brought joy to people at a time when it was in short supply for most of us,” she said.

And John Watkins added: “We have been truly overwhelmed with the generosity of the public and touched that they remember us when so many other things have been occupying our time.”

Photo caption: Left to right Catherine Austen, General Manager; John Watkins Chair of Trustees and CEO Ruth White